Does the Weather Really Matter? Why You Should Choose Climate Control

When it comes to storing your belongings, it’s easy to underestimate the importance of climate control. After all, a storage unit is just a place to stash your items temporarily, right? Not quite. In reality, depending on what you are storing, the weather can significantly impact the condition of your stored items. 


Whether you’re safeguarding valuable antique furniture, cherished artwork, sensitive electronic instruments, or other delicate possessions, the choice between climate-controlled and non-climate-controlled storage units can make all the difference in preserving an item’s value and utility. Weather and temperature do matter for these items, and you need to choose a climate-controlled facility for your storage needs.


Antique Furniture

An item of antique furniture is more than just functional; it’s a piece of history. However, extreme temperatures can wreak havoc on delicate items. In excessively hot conditions, materials like wood and leather can warp and crack, while cold temperatures can cause them to contract and become brittle. Even more, if you have a combination of materials on an item, it can impact the integrity and quality of an item, degrading its value. 


For example, suppose you have a wood cabinet with glass doors, metal hinges and handles, and painted or stained details or inlays. In that case, the expansion and contraction of these different materials at different rates can cause stresses that weaken the integrity of the design and structure, creating cracks in the materials and joints. However, when you have a climate-controlled storage, the item will experience only minor variations in temperature and humidity, no matter the season. 


Preserving Artwork

Artwork requires special care, whether it’s a cherished family heirloom, an antique violin, or an investment-grade painting. Drastic temperature fluctuations can cause canvas to stretch or shrink, leading to cracks in the paint and damage to the frame. Wood and wood finishes on a stringed instrument can expand and contract, leading to gaps in the top or fingerboard of a violin. A climate-controlled storage unit ensures that delicate artwork remains in the best possible condition by providing a stable environment, protecting it from moisture and temperature extremes.


Sensitive Electronics

Electronic instruments, such as computers, electronic devices, and laboratory equipment, are also vulnerable to damage by temperature and humidity variations. High temperatures can cause delicate circuitry to overheat and malfunction, while cold temperatures can affect batteries and sensitive components. Excessive moisture is always detrimental to electronics. Climate-controlled units maintain a consistent temperature, ensuring your electronics are ready to use when you retrieve them.


Preserving Other Possessions

It’s not just antiques, artwork, and electronics at risk from temperature fluctuations. Even less expensive furniture made from leather and wood or clothing made from natural materials like silk, fur, and wool, as well as important documents, wine collections, and porcelain figurines, can suffer when exposed to extreme weather. Furniture, clothing, books, documents, and other items can deteriorate when left too long and exposed to heat, cold, and moisture. Climate-controlled storage units offer the best protection for these items, creating a haven for your valued possessions.


Epic Storage Climate-Controlled Units

At Epic Storage, we know that people who opt to store their belongings do so because they value keeping them in good condition. While some of your possessions can withstand weather fluctuations, other items are more sensitive, and storing them calls for more than just a dry, secure space. That’s why we offer climate-controlled storage units that can be set to provide a consistent temperature and humidity level year-round.


Climate-controlled units offer:

  • Peace of Mind: With climate control, you can know that your valuable possessions are protected.
  • Extended Lifespan: Climate-controlled storage can extend the lifespan of your belongings, preserving their value and sentimental significance.
  • Security and Convenience: Our storage facilities feature security fencing on the perimeter, and a security-code gate protects access. Each storage unit is individually locked, and the facility is well-lit and monitored by surveillance cameras.

If you need to store valuable items and are concerned about the potential damage that extreme temperatures might inflict, make the intelligent choice. Contact Epic Storage today to inquire about our climate-controlled storage options and ensure that your items remain in perfect condition, no matter the weather.

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